Wednesday, October 31, 2007

She Said Yes!

Well...I said yes, but it sounds better the first way. So, the story of my proposal goes as so...
Phil's parents were coming out to new jersey for their annual beach house week. It was already a big week because this was the first time our parents were going to meet. We had a lovely dinner at a local restaurant and things went very well.
The next morning Phil woke me up very early so we could watch the sunrise together. He brought a blanket and we watched the pretty colors until it was getting fairly light out. He then suggested we walk a little bit. During the walk he started talking about how much he loved me and how I will never need for anything because he will always be here to take care of me. At the end of his little speach (which was oh so beautiful and touching) he pointed out some writing in the sand. He had placed little sea shells in the words "WILL YOU MARRY ME".

As I was looking down at the words he got on one knee and held out this gorgious ring!
I was so overwhellmed it took me a few seconds to say "Yes" but then I repeated it over and over again.
The night before, while we were waiting for my parents to get there we went for a walk on the beach and he told me he was in a bet with a co-worker that he could collect more sea shells than her. So I walked along the beach with him collecting sea shells, oblivious to the fact they were for my message. It was high tied so we didn't get alot of shells and he was frustrated. He woke up at 4am and waded through the water to collect the rest of his sea shells in the pitch dark (there was no moon out that night) then came back to get me as it started to get light. That's why only part of the msg is in shells
We both want the ceremony out doors so the wedding will be in the spring. Unfortunatly my brother is deployed to Iraq and won't be coming home untill Dec 08, so the wedding is planned for Memorial day weekend(ish) of 09. I have a long way to go, but I'm so excited!

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